christophe-andre conference-Minds

Christophe André

Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst

A specialist in these subjects and in stress management, Christophe André is a fascinating speaker.

Christophe André, a psychiatrist, works in the university hospital department of the Sainte-Anne Hospital (Paris) where he runs a unit specialising in the treatment of anxiety and phobic disorders. He also teaches at the University of Paris X.


His practice concerns the emotionnal disorders (anxiety and depression), and for the last years, has been dedicated to relapse prevention for those disorders, mostly by promoting the everyday use of mindfulness and positive psychology with our remitted outpatients.

After his marriage, he moved to Paris and replaced rugby with writing, and visits to scrimmages with museums. He stopped writing essays, but published a number of successful books: Les Etats d’âme pour un apprentissage de la sérénité, De l’art du bonheur, Imparfaits libres et heureux : l’art de l’estime de soi and Vivre heureux : psychologie du bonheur.


A specialist in these subjects and in stress management, Christophe André is a fascinating speaker.


Conference themes:


self-esteem conference
self-confidence conference
conference on the psychology of emotions
conference on happiness and fulfillment in business
meditation lecture
conference on inner balance


Spoken Languages: French



  • A nous la liberté

  • La vie intérieure

  • Le temps de méditer

  • Imparfaits, libres et heureux