
Stress management conference: how to manage stress.

13 September 2021



Image d'une personne débordée et stressée

Cries, trembling, calm, rising tension, sweating, sweaty hands, sleep disturbances, fatigue… Everyone has their own way of expressing their stress and managing it (when we get there).


Present on both the professional and personal side, it is necessary to evacuate (bad) stress and to communicate on this subject in business as much as possible. In conjunction with several keynote speakers in stress management conferences, Minds can support you in the well-being of your employees in the workplace.


Causes of stress

Where stress comes from is not always obvious, especially when we are used to it. Depending on the personality, pace and standard of living, unfortunately some will be more so than others.

The causes of stress can be many and varied: deadlines at the approach, work overload, professional burnout, family and/or financial problems, harassment, studies… All these problems can cause us harm without being ignored. necessarily report.


How to manage your stress

Taking your situation into account and accepting it to better manage your stress is a step towards healing. It is essential not to maintain a high level of stress and not to get used to this rhythm of life. Indeed, this set of reactions that are stress has adverse effects on the body and on mental health.

One piece of advice that you might find useful and that is given time and time again during stress management conferences: do breathing exercises and take time.


Ancillary aids

Professionals can help you in these trials and in unblocking your situations. Sophrologists, psychologists, occupational physicians … These people are at your disposal to improve your life. Don’t be ashamed to be supported, nothing beats your health.

Speaking is also a great weapon: discover our speakers for “stress management conferences”.

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